The theory that Intel using in their production of microprocessors is called the TICK TOCK thoery. " Tick Tock " is a model adopted by chip manufacturer Intel Corporation since 2007 to follow every micro architectural change with a die shrink of the process technology. Every "tick" is a shrinking of process technology of the previous micro architecture and every "tock" is a new micro architecture Every year, there is expected to be one tick or tock. The first architectural change was a "Die shrink" one.Presler, Cedar Mill, Yonah are the code names that were used for the first ones. On 5th of January 2006 these were launched into market as Pentium 4,D,M,Dual-Core and Celeron. The final one in the line up is "tick" the one that was built to a die shrink in the architectural change of the " Tick Tock ". The final one was a 22nm micro processor which was code named as "Ivy Bridge". This one was launched on 29th...